Booking Info
For You Who Have Been Accepted to Side by Side
Have you been accepted to Side by Side? Congratulations!
Here you will find a lot of what you need to know and think about when you accept your admission offer and make your final booking. Please remember to read our Personal Data Policy before you book. If you have any questions not covered in the information below, or wish to change/cancel your participation, please email sidebyside@gso.se.
NB! All dates and times at Side by Side are based on the 24-hour clock and CET/CEST
Booking Terms & Conditions
Before you accept the camp slot you have been offered, it's important that you know the following:
- You may only book the slots that you/your group have been offered, as stated in the admission notice
- When you accept the offered camp slots and make your final booking for a third party/a group, you are responsible for securing permissions from their legal guardian(s) and supplying these guardians with all pertinent information
- EVERYONE who will be present on the camp grounds, including teachers, parents, and other adults must book their own slots and pay the participation fee
- The last day to cancel with a full refund is April 26
- If we are forced to cancel or modify the camp due to changed circumstances, we may need to cancel your slot(s) and if that is the case, you will get a refund
- During Side by Side, we will document the activities in text, video, image and audio. We will publicize this information and use the material in our social media, on our websites, in print, and in other media to present and represent Side by Side before, during and after camp, for communication and marketing purposes. The material may also be used by our partners. This includes any material that participants send in/make available to us. Beyond this, we follow set laws and regulations as well as the Gothenburg Symphony Privacy Policy.
About Your Final Booking
If you have received an email with an admission notice from us, you accept the offered slot by making a final booking. Information about the offered slot and a link to the booking form can be found in the email. It is very important to accept and make the final booking in time—your deadline is also shown in the email. If you do not make your final booking in time, your slot will go to someone else.
At the top of the booking form, we remind you what the application process for Side by Side 2024 looks like.
In the booking form, all the people who will participate in the camp as playing/singing participants or as accompanying adults must be specified. The booking concludes with payment for all participants in the booking. Companies/organizations can choose to pay with an invoice that will be sent in mid-May. Private individuals pay by card at the time of booking.
Making a group confirmation/final booking
Confirming and making a final booking for participants 18 years and older
Parents/legal guardians confirming and making a final booking on behalf of charge(s)
What information is necessary to make a confirmation and final booking?
How much does it cost to participate at Side by Side?
Children and adults at camp
Unaccompanied child in camp counselor group
Special info for participants in BEGINNER'S CHOIR/ORCHESTRA
How do I fill out the booking form?
Here is a detailed instruction on how to fill out the fields in the booking form
Playing teacher / Spelande pedagog
Check this box if you are an accompanying teacher and want to play an instrument. NB! valid only for INTERMEDIATE and BASIC ORCHESTRA and subject to availability.
Book camp counselor / barnvärd
You can only book a camp counselor if the admission notice states that the child has been given a place in a camp counselor group.
Book instrument
In some tracks, you must choose the instrument or tune for the playing/singing participant. Choose the option you have been offered a place in.
If you are a non-playing / non-singing accompanying adult, you choose the alternative Not playing, not singing / Spelar ej, sjunger ej. If you are a teacher wishing to attend the track playing your instrument you select your instrument.
Additional information / Övrig information
Here you can indicate if there is anything else we need to know about the group or any of the participants. For example, if someone is in a wheelchair or has an illness. It is also possible to contact us via e-mail or phone.
Mobile phone
We want to be able to use the mobile number entered here to reach the participant during the camp. If the participant does not have a mobile phone themself, the number of an adult who takes responsibility for the participant during the camp must be entered here. We strongly recommend that the children who attend the camp alone bring a mobile phone so that we have the opportunity to reach them if necessary.
Legal guardian’s or next of kin’s name & phone number / Vårdnadshavares eller anhörigs namn & mobilnummer
The information entered here is as an extra precaution so that we can reach the participant's guardian. If the participant is of legal age, the name and mobile number of the next of kin should be entered instead.
Food preferences / Specialkost
Nothing containing pork or nuts is served at the camp. When it comes to special diets, you can choose vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free and milk protein-free diets. You can indicate allergies and requests for other special diets. These requests are accommodated as far as possible.
Accommodation / Boende
If you have been offered a number of places in the accommodation in the admission notice, book these places in the final booking under the Accommodation tab. Click the plus sign next to the School accommodation box for each participant for whom you want to book accommodation. Enter day of check-in and day of check-out and name of each participant.
Everyone who wants to book accommodation must be booked as a participant.
You will see at the top right of the form that the amount changes when you enter the number of nights. Accommodation costs SEK 150 per person per night (inc VAT)
The Summary tab displays all the information you entered in the previous steps. Check carefully that everything is correct. If you want to change something, click Back at the bottom left. Once you click on Book, it is no longer possible to go back and change anything in the form.
Discount code
At the bottom of the summary tab, you will see the total for the booking. If you belong to Göteborgs Kulturskolor, enter the code you have been given by your teacher in the Promotional code box and click Apply. Then the sum will decrease. Then click on Book.
In the Payment tab, you first choose whether you want to pay by card or invoice (only companies / organizations).
Payment service (betalkort) means that you enter card details and complete the payment directly before completing the booking. It is possible to pay with VISA, Mastercard or Maestro.
Invoice (faktura) can be selected if paid by a company/organization. The invoice will be sent in May and must be paid within 30 days.
After booking
When the booking is complete, separate confirmations will be sent to all email addresses you have entered in the booking. The main booker's (Person 1's) confirmation contains all participants' information and a bar code. Other confirmations contain only one person's information and a barcode. Print and bring the confirmation with the barcode to the camp. It will be used for on-site registration. If you do not receive the confirmation, please check your spam folder.
Welcome to Side by Side!
#sidebysidegoteborg #sbsgbg2025
Svenskt org. nr 556313-1027Europeiskt momsnummer – VAT no SE556313102701
Lägerfotograf t.o.m. 2023 Francis Löfvenholm
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Thom Estifanos
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Lennart Wiman
© Copyright Göteborgs Symfoniker 2024