BEGINNERS' CHOIR is mainly for kids in lower elementary school or the last year of preschool. The participants do not need to have sung in a choir before. The track suits those who like to sing and have fun together with others.
Schedules now available for all tracks. Click on the button below to download.
Age: ca 6–9 years
Choir experience: Little to none
Sheet music reading: No knowledge
Participation fee: 250 SEK/participant
The track starts as early as Friday June 16 and ends with Beginners in Concert on Sunday June 18 11:30-12:15.
Participates in the following concerts:
Beginners in Concert – Sunday June 18, 11:30-12:15.
No preparations required.
Friday June 16
13:30-14:00, Registration open, Världskulturmuseet
14:00-17:00, Rehearsal, Världskulturmuseet
17:15-18:15, Dinner (only for accommodation), Hvitfeldtska matsal
Saturday June 17 09.00-12.00
Sunday June 18 09:00-13:00, Including Beginners in Concert 11:30-12:15
The BEGINNERS' tracks have a special camp, adapted for our very youngest participants. The track starts, among other things, a day earlier than the other tracks and starts as early as Friday 16 June.
Adults accompanying their children to a BEGINNERS' track do not need to book a Side by Side camp slot, only the children need to be booked in and paid for. NB! The exception to this is if you, as an adult, book accommodation with us, then you need to book a camp slot for yourself as well as accommodation.
If you are an adult with charges participating in the BEGINNERS' tracks you need to drop off and pick up the children every day and must at a minimum be there at the beginning of the first rehearsal and the end of the last rehearsal every day.
We wish you adults to leave the room when the rehearsals have started. Only if your child has special needs and therefore needs your presence can you remain in the classroom during the rehearsal. However, you need to remain nearby, a maximum of 20 minutes away, in case your children need you urgently.
The BEGINNERS' tracks do not include lunch. Fruit is included in the breaks.
The child's booking includes teaching for 3 half days as well as a shirt and a welcome bag with a water bottle and stickers.
No sheet music is needed for BEGINNERS'.
Bring your own instrument in a case marked with your name.
BEGINNERS' tracks will be performed at Side by Side: Beginners in Concert on June 18 at approximately 11:30-12:15.. More information about tickets will come later.
You have the opportunity to book free tickets to Side by Side: Festival Concert at Scandinavium on June 20 at about 15.00 via a link that you will receive later.
At Side by Side: Festival Concert, it is the other tracks from the camp that take center stage, but we would love to see the children from the BEGINNERS' tracks join in, be inspired, sing along in sing-alongs and be motivated to continue playing and singing in the future.
Child under 13 years with adult
Adult non-playing/-singing
The last application period closed on April 13. Applications for the following year's camp normally open in the late fall.
Måns Ottosson
Maria Caskie
Måns and Maria work at City School of the Arts in Gothenburg and are also experienced freelance musicians and / -singers. They specialize in teaching song and music to the youngest children and focus a lot on engaging the participants with fun and rhythmic exercises.
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