The choir tracks
These are the different choir tracks. To enable as many participants as possible to have fun and grow as musicians at Side by Side, the camp provides tracks for different levels and experiences. It is therefore important that each participant chooses the right track and comes to the camp well prepared for their level. Subscribe to our newsletter to download the music for each track.Do you nhave any questions about the registration please then read our page REGISTRATION INFORMATION, or contact us and we will gladly help you.ADVANCED CHOIR
Saturday 16th June (after lunch)- Wednesday 20th June (evening)
For you who are 16 years or older. You have long experience of singing in a choir, can read sheets and have prepared yourself well before coming to the camp. You care for yourself at the camp or have an adult with you. Your camp starts Saturday 16 June at 13.30, and ends with the Final concert II, Wednesday 20 June at 18.00.Repertoire:
Antognini: What is my praise, mov. 1 from A prayer to mother earth
Orff: O Fortuna, Carmina Burana
Larsson: Who plays upon a pipe, mov. 2 from God in DisguiseUPPER VOICES CHOIR
Saturday 16th June (after lunch) - Wednesday 20th June (evening)
For you who are 12-16 years old. You have experience of singing in a choir and come well prepared to the camp. You care for yourself at the camp or have an adult with you. Your camp starts Saturday 16 June at 13.30, and ends with the Final Concert II, Wednesday 20 June at 18.00.Repertoire:
Debussy: Noël des enfants
Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby
Eriksson/trad: Här ligger jorden / Isn't she lovely
Orff: O Fortuna ur Carmina BuranaCHILDREN´S CHOIR
Saturday 16th June (after lunch) - Tuesday 19th June (afternoon)
For you who are 9-12 years old. You have choir experience and have practiced the songs before coming to the camp. You take care of yourself at the camp, have an adult with you or notify in the registration if you need help during your stay. Your camp starts on Sunday, June 17th at 12.30, and ends with Final Concert I, Wednesday 20 June at 12.30.
Zara Larsson: SymphonyChilcott: Can you hear me
Eriksson/trad: Här ligger jorden / Isn't she lovely
Simonsson: Nordic Wolf
Trad fr Haiti: Wangol*BEGINNERS´ CHOIR
Sunday 17th June - Tuesday 19th June (three afternoons and Tuesday afternoon)
For you who are 7-9 years old and want to try to sing in a choir. There is no preparation needed for this track. You have an adult with you. Your camp will take place Sunday 17 - Tuesday 19 June 09.00-12.00, and end with Lunch Concert and the Festival Concert, Tuesday 19 June at 15.00.OPEN CHOIR
Sunday 17th June - Tuesday 19th June (four afternoons)
This year we are developing OPEN CHOIR in cooperation with Passalen. OPEN CHOIR is for you with a functional variation and in need of extra support during the activity. You wish to join the Side by Side camp and enjoy singing in a choir together with others. No preparations are needed. Your camp starts Saturday 16th June at 13.00, and ends with the Final concert II, Wednesday 20th June at 18.00.VOLUNTEERS´ CHOIR
Wednesday 13th June - Saturday 15th June
(four afternoons/evenings)This year our volunteers will have their very own choir! The VOLUNTEERS´ CHOIR meet before the other participants begin their camp. This gives you the opportunity to both sing in a choir during Side by Side and work as a volunteer. VOLUNTEERS´ CHOIR will just like the previous years be able to sing at the grand Festivalkonserten! You can sign up for the VOLUNTEERS´ CHOIR when you register as a volunteer.Fee: free of charge (only for volunteers)
#sidebysidegoteborg #sbsgbg2025
Svenskt org. nr 556313-1027Europeiskt momsnummer – VAT no SE556313102701
Lägerfotograf t.o.m. 2023 Francis Löfvenholm
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Thom Estifanos
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Lennart Wiman
© Copyright Göteborgs Symfoniker 2024